YouTube Cancelling: Reporting From Ukraine
The preparation for replacing reality with spin begins.
This channel has been a steady source of updates on daily progress in Ukraine. There are maps, content from articles, and credible social media stuff - Russians/Ukrainians use Telegram. There was never anything on this outlet that crossed the line on violence - they don’t show battle clips from what I can recall.
They had good information and they were pushing it out into multiple translated channels. This is no different in spirit than what China Update is doing for Chinese geopolitical and economic news. I find this ban, at this time, EXTREMELY suspicious.
They’ve put out a plea for the audience to follow them to Reporting From Ukraine Patreon.
They are not the only victims. Paul Cobaugh from Truth About Threats had his 7,000 connection LinkedIn account terminated without explanation. This echoes 2017 when one of Paul’s coworkers, Alan Malcher, got a menacing visit from a Russian agent in the U.K., and Giles Raymond DeMourot survived an assassination attempt on the streets of Paris. There’s no hint of direct physical violence in what's happening to Reporting From Ukraine, but just as in 2017, Russian critics are being silenced.
This feels a lot like 2010, a rear guard action that’s going badly, and in an agonizingly slow fashion. I hope RFU has enough supporters to remain active even if they have reduced access on YouTube, but the loss of the audience is an insult to objective reality.