Ladies and Gentlemen (hear big booming radio announcer voice),
Today, this day, it is commonly called Friday.
And since it’s THE full moon Friday in the august month of August, we’re going to set aside the usual mostly sober pursuit of online conflict tradecraft, unholster our cyber-paintball gun, and decorate some of the #BunnySec vermin in an indecorous fashion.
Attention Conservation Notice:
Did you read the lede? Well, did you? Don’t make me repeat myself here.
I dunno what the deal is since Musk killed Twitter, but used to be if you wanted some triple distilled illegal in thirty seven states high test stupidity, the #BunnySec hashtag was the place to start. If you made the mistake of using that hashtag, you stood a nonzero chance of your Telegram account getting added to their #404 locked ward room.
The entire reason I had Telegram on 706-47-TROLL was due to the parasite infected vermin that infested that room. I made the account. I made the account known. They eventually added me to the room. Since I almost never looked at Telegram, the steady drip of stupidity just kept accumulating. I posted occasional sign of life “LOLs”, they’d get mad and kick me out, I’d keep ignoring them on Twitter, and they’d put me back after a week or so. A couple times it got SO STUPID I actually exported the channel to PDF.
This, people, THIS is why we can’t have nice things.
Sorry for the delay, I suffered a minor brain injury looking at logs from the 420chan Discord server while researching for this. Why do I have this stuff, when I’ve never had anything to do with any of the 420chan communication venues? Again, this is another instance of why we can’t have nice things.
I found a screen shot of the Telegram channel roster. Jean Valjean is mine, Jack is a shared persona that is nominally the weirdo group founder. Alice is an alias for a schizophrenic scene whore who did something preposterously stupid in 2016. She’s been riding that like that one peaches & cream complexion girlie whose babbling once matched some IRL foreign fuckery.
And I kinda admire that Kaidinn kid, but I do so from a safe distance.
They made fun of Captain Coprolite & Turdboy back in the day. I have this screen shot, which alludes to the Captain’s prison sex experiences, because it may have been the least stupid thing I ever saw them do.
Name Checking:
Do you see any names here?
This is a hard and fast life rule. If you are compelled, out of grim necessity, or by trying to run out the work day clock, which I am doing, and you MUST patronize an attention whore …
That’s it, that’s the rule. You owe them nothing, they’re chronic self stimulators, so as soon as you’ve had your fun, you administer a departing smack to the derriere, and off you go. The afterplay while they frantically headless chicken around the internet, trying to concoct something out of your disinterested use of their services, is how you pay it forward.
With greater specificity: the people who know the #BunnySec vermin started chortling upon reading the article subtitle, and I hope I’ve provided a bit of Friday levity for you, constant reader. But what you do not see here are:
Participant Names.
Victim Names.
Handles associated with any actual person.
Episodes of any substance.
Nothing that would facilitate Filing A Conjunction in Internet Court, let alone anything that any IRL LOLsuit lulzcow would screen shot and place in a court filing.
You see what I did there?
Current Events:
Why am I writing this? Because that one Wire room lit up like a Christmas tree while I was still asleep, there were personal disputes that were stale and uninteresting five years ago, and delusions of reference from the usual scene whores. They were seeking to “connect” themselves to current IRL stuff that actually vaguely matters, because in a manner similar to felines needing to consume taurine, they are wholly incapable of doing anything interesting when constrained to employing their own tiny little minds as the source.
There will no doubt be Probable Pissposting over this, I saw his dumb ass getting name checked in some of the attention seeking behavior. Scientology’s Dullest Tool might employ some of the lunar bunny barkfest in his LARPing as a reporter. These are the only two attention whores I name check. Did you figure out the requirement for an actual mention? OK, your’re a mentally normal adult who only read this far because you, too, are trying to run out the work day clock. Pissboy and SDT have both got judgments against them in excess of $500,000 because they made the mistake of engaging me.
That’s it, that’s the deal. If you ain’t in my Million Dollar Butthurt club, you ain’t gonna see your name in lights. I can’t even name Captain Coprolite here, despite the $890,000 in restitution he owes the victims of his stupidity in 2012, because it was solely HIS stupidity that got him there. I just get to mock him for not listening to my wise counsel on prison avoidance methodology back in 2011.
And on that note, it’s just hit 1600 Pacific time. I’m sure the east coasters left some time ago, so I’m safe to post this …