This is not at all surprising - economics in China are troubled, but the geopolitics are the top of mind reason that 69% of foreign companies with operations there have hit the door running.
There were a couple of really good graphs on demographics. This population forecast likely depends on just fertility, and does not factor in climate change and the attendant chaos. If a conflict escalates beyond a certain level there will be mass starvation - China imports 75% of its agriculture inputs and if the seas become unsafe for them … look out.
The U.S. looks pretty good, but this is going to go sideways hard as the nativist war on Hispanics will begin in earnest in just a couple months.
Things like this are driving the strategy people nuts - losing China is a given, due to economics and environment … but attacking our fallback position of having Mexico close, peaceful, and well integrated? Absolute madness.
Final thoughts. My first social movement outing was the Coffee Party … the founders produced a movie called 9500 Liberty. I already know what happens when there’s a catastrophic decline in immigrants - it closely mirrors what happens when an air force base gets closed.
If there’s a general hunt for undocumented people in California’s Central Valley … you’d best get your garden supplies bought now, avoid the rush. Georgia learned this lesson with their onion crop back in 2011. Half of our table food comes out of the CV and if that gets intentionally crashed the next stories you see about people eating pets are going to be verifiable.