Climate, Food & Water Security
Links to older writing since climate people followed this Substack.
There is a body of writing I did, much of it back in 2013 and 2014, that focuses on food and water security, mostly in the lands circumscribed by the maximum extent of the Ottoman empire. This wasn’t an Islamophobic exercise on my part, with the exception of 911 my relationships with Muslims over the last forty years have been uniformly positive. It’s just that the driest, toughest places that have a lot of people are within those boundaries.
The site is and if you look you’ll see I abandoned Wordpress three years ago. I enjoy writing and their bloated, shitty Wix style interface finally drove me away.
Attention Conservation Notice:
Just cataloging some old stuff here for new readers. The conflict discussions there are at the level of tribes to nation states. Long ago there was some cyber related stuff, it mostly got scrubbed. So it goes.
I really wish Substack had a nice tag cloud widget like this. You can just click a keyword and away you go. There are 278 published posts and I did mess with the word cloud a bit to rule out some common tags that add nothing in terms of access.
And that’s that, have a look around if you’re so inclined.
High Points:
Here are some things I wrote that I really like and continue to reference to this day.
Dead Gods of Atacama - a fifteen year old article on fossil and renewable nitrogen sources, heavy on the “what HAVE we done” angle.
Gamma Draconis Rising - I suspect that even if a slate wiper virus hit our species next Tuesday, the climate changes we’ve set in motion will go as far as the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum.
Regarding Those Kremlin Trolls - in mid-2016 I declared my disinterest in Russians messing with our decision making. Fat lot of good that did, eh?
Imperial Alliance Networks - a tiny little thing, but as we slide out of our thinly disguised crusade against Islam and into a reboot of The Great Game, this keeps coming up when examining the changes.
Avril Haines Appointed CIA Deputy Director - saw her coming a long way off.
Social Media As A Tool Of Hybrid Warfare (NATO STRATCOMCOE) - does what it says on the tin.
Baltic Maps - it’s nice to see Imperial Sweden on the move after a three hundred year break. The locals vastly prefer them to the Russians.
Ukraine In Context - noting the brewing trouble ten years ago, and tying some of it to the dissolution of the Ottoman empire.
Atlantification & Other Horrors - as an engineer, I’m prone to making worst case estimates.
Despite my periodic urge to purge, I think there are well in excess of a million of my words still available online.