This morning’s news that Benny Johnson and Tim Pool are among the individuals paid by Russian front Tenet has added a number of tasks to my pile of checking and updating graphs. This post is going to be chock full of things that are known, but I suspect it’s not going to flow well, because this situation is an absolute hydra.
So look at each section as sort of a mini-post, and assume that we’ll be coming back to this to clarify as more news becomes available.
Attention Conservation Notice:
I’m not actually awake yet, but this seems a bit urgent, both out in the world at large, and in various Signal chat rooms.
This is yesterday’s graph from the Tenet Media indictment (right side), which contained a link to a prior article on Doppleganger (left side). DC Weekly operator John Mark Dougan came to my attention at the end of May, but all I have on him is a complex infrastructure study, which I’m not going to post here.
There were 34 domains listed in the Doppleganger seizure warrant. All I’ve done thus far is enter them and apply a L1 footprint scan.
A quick check with BuiltWith revealed the feds missed one … secrettribunal[.]online
White House Media Summit 2019:
Per Will Sommer the four right wing influencers involved in Tenet were Dave Rubin, Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, and Lauren Southern.
I immediately recognize Johnson and Pool as 2019 White House Media Summit attendees. There’s a detailed Media Matters article on this event.
And the attendees of that event are the core of my Capitol Siege influence operation recording on Figshare. Intent observers will notice there are two fewer items in that set than in the original release in February of 2021. I had been concerned about one of the sources for some time and Preposterous Bullshit Casualty was the final straw. I have been meaning to get the ArangoDB/Elasticsearch data available again for the sake of having a familiar thing to use with And now that’s going to move to the front burner.
Heather Heying:
One of the Canine Intelligence Agency pooches sent me a link to this on August 27th with a request that I add it to the MAGA Meltdown graph. I had no idea what we were doing here … but there’s Tim Pool’s Twitter account. They might be a pack of brain damaged cartoon dogs, but they’ve got keen noses for brewing trouble.
Dave Rubin:
I don’t know much about this guy, but a search for his name produced this subgraph.
And now I wonder if Doppleganger got their initial pool of social media influencers from Bernard Kerik’s 22 page plan for stealing the 2020 election. I try to not use Twitter as a source, but Hyde/Makridis spotting by visionsurreal is important. Here is The full text of the Makridis Parassidis SM influencers document.
The list compiled by Christos Makridis and Soula Parassidis is what anyone with a bit of social media analytics capability would have produced. The alignment with Doppleganger is probably a coincidence, but given what is at stake, it needs to be examined, not dismissed out of hand.
While I was writing the conclusion for this piece I saw this go by in a CIA room. I don’t follow their raw intel, because lots of false positives. I periodically ask for a reader’s digest version and those generally adhere to what I need in terms of source quality.
And here’s this week’s big secret, zoomed out to the point where I can mention it without tipping off the lucky winners. There’s an overt Russian influence op in there at the lower right, and there’s a Signal room with a reporter and some NAFO pooches sniffing around the rest of it. Thus far the effort has only produced negative results - checking and then ruling out various plausible inferences.
The Figshare content has been cleansed of things based on flaky sources. That content remains in the MAGA Meltdown graph, at least for the moment. My conflicting thoughts on that are:
I’ve come to understand the basis is a mix of fentanyl and excess serotonin, neither of which hold a place of honor on the Admiralty Code.
The last two weeks are the first time this material has mattered to anyone in a couple years, there’s a lot of conspiratorial dot connection going on out there, but it has flowed to me, not from me.
While flaky, the internet court activity around that content DOES occasionally shake loose interesting admissions.
Maybe I should pull out that network through to second degree connections so I’ve still got it, but remove it from the main graph.
The counter-intel wave is still ramping up, a lot of this is likely not going to matter much sixty days from now.
Now I get to backport two weeks of updates into the main graph, because the new journaling feature of Maltego kinda sucks.
Counter-intel efforts of note. There’s more than this, I’m struggling to keep up.
Pavel Durov trouble in South Korea
Dmitry Simes & Scott Ritter raided by FBI
Richard THOMAS Medhurst arrested by The Met
BreachForums getting their own medicine